entries tag twitter flavors
finally. posted at 9:21 PM
Monday, January 3, 2011

hey all.
im finally blogging.

school starts tomorrow.
damn retarded.
our "fantasies" have ended. ):

i miss thailand.
i miss shopping.
i miss everything.
i miss everyone.

Anyway, 2011,
please be kind.
don't be a jerk like 2010.

i dont know what to say.
oh, i created a flavors page :D
its cute.

안녕히 사랑 사랑 사랑,

it hurts to know. posted at 9:41 PM
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

hi bloggy.
exams are over.
i dont care how many freaking damn exams i take,
all im afraid of is the fucking RESULTS.

im gonna play till i forget everything.
here's a rough outline of tues and thurs (:

tues ;
after school,
came home and played comp.
LOL. that stupid comp addict in me.
no la.
had to wait till 2pm to meet alisongan at serangoon mrt.
dad offered to fetch me to the venue, thanks daddyyy (L).
so met alison there, trained down to hougang mall.
had pepperlunch for lunch and frolicks for desert (Y).
i feel so outdated man, now then i realised theres frolicks at hougang mall -.-
too long never go le.
eoy's fault >:l
yea, then we shopped around, then trained down to compass point.
but we didnt buy anything.
then just some irrelevant details.
then we bid goodbyes. booo.

wednesday (today) ;
came home after school,
wanted to play with twin but she said she was having cambodia briefing.
so i went home and watch youtube. YONGSEO and CNBLUE :D
then around evening, had dinner with alison and parents before we headed to tuition.
thats allllll.

twin and i's day out.
i cant wait.
okay glee time bye.

i dont know why;

posted at 2:21 PM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hello bloggy.
I missed you.
but i was too lazy to even do anything to you.
But im gonna change your skin soon okay.
make you feel newer and refreshed. lol.

Having cough and flu. -.-
until now.
currently mugging for exams too.
I hate studying man.
especially when you know your future's bleak.

im so tired now.
mentally and physically.
i think im gonna nap.

screw life.

blue desire. posted at 7:20 PM
Monday, August 23, 2010

Havent been blogging for a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time.
So i guess i'll blog now.

Saturday ;
but so what, i cant even go for their fansign and showcase. -.-
Proceeded with a slackey day.
TV and popcorn with parents.
Mostly YOG.
and computer ( YONGSEO ! )
Pre-dinner shopping at Hougang Mall.
Mum bought me a romper about 50dollars plus.
T^T, feel damn guilty now.
and annoyed.
Why didnt you tell me the romper was 50plus mummy ?
I wouldnt have wanted you to buy it for me.
Conclusion ?
Behind that strict mask is a soft and loving heart.
Dinner at some famous steamboat restaurant at JooChiat.
The food there is DAEBAK okay. :D
but damn costly. x.x . 90plus bill.

Sunday ;
Tuitioned in the morning,
then headed to granduncle's house.
Memories filled my head again, fucking nostalgic then.
Brought my laptop there to occupy myself, watching cnblue's showcase and fansign fancams, as grandaunt was playing mahjong and with the
kiddos from another family. -.-
then when it was lunch, we had a heartfelt talk.
Idk why, but i feel like going to the cemetry again. :X

pwned school.
throat sickness.
insecurity illness ? maybe.
was really tired today. slept alot.
comped alot.
even though i was sick, i still nonetheless headed out for lunch.
and also to get a new pair of specs. (:

thats all.
and the battle begins yea ?
after today.
the battle with my insecurites.
goodbye, and yongseo is love. (L).

they ain't worth your tears.
so be strong and dont tear !

painfully. posted at 7:52 PM
Thursday, July 29, 2010

i havent been feeling very well lately.
well, emotionally.
heartaches a plenty.

feeling rather nostalgic.
missing the old days.
like seriously.
miss it badly sia.
talked to niki today about my troubles,
shirley too.
(: thanks for listening.
i felt much better after pouring everything out.

waiting for twin to go online.
why she not online ah.
oh well.
shall go do my work then.
i'm in such a bad mood that i dont want to blog.

do you understand how i feel ?
person 1,i can sense that you are starting to ignore me.
when we hang out, you guys are in your own world,
leaving me out in your topics.

and person two, why did you change ?
what happened to all the times we spent together ?

What happened to US ?

please save me god, please.

without courage. posted at 9:09 PM
Monday, July 5, 2010

heyyyy all.
finally, back from camp le.
camp was fun (:
surprisingly.. :x .
i was in group ten, aka, tentententen. LOL.
same group as kiahling from my class.
other people were like, aicardi, leedea, tamira,zoey, blah.
lol, i was just saying whoever that came up to my mind.
my instructor's called Antson Anson.
He quite blur de,
bygon became bible.
then he heard it as, "You used a BIBLE to kill an insect ? "
but he's nice la, so its okay. (:

i managed to try out abseilling and rock climbing and searafting.
i didnt try the highelements. :l
i couldnt overcome my fear sia.
Most enjoyable thing of the camp ?
The campfire :D.
My group was super enthu during the campfire. hehe. ^^
We came up with a skit about how our friendship grew within the 3days in camp.
we even had a surprise thing for anson. lol.
we sang barney song for him -.- lol.

so thats camp.
for today,
its youth day holiday (:
went for movie with twin and clara ( she came last minute, lol.).
Watched Eclipse. (;
its okay la.
relatively nice, but i still prefer twilight and new moon.

After shopping,
had lunch with twin at yoshinoya,
the one at Causeway point.
at woodlands. -.-
far hor.
we basically wasted time there, hais...
then we trained down to amkhub.
so this AWESOME bag, but i didnt buy it.
maybe the next time i go there, i'll buy it bahs.
hope it doesnt get sold out :X.
then twin and i took pics.
shall post them tmr bahs. :X
lazy to take my phone usbconnector.

im tired.
bye. zz.

the worst thing is the lack of strength to stand up again.

last day. posted at 8:55 PM
Sunday, June 27, 2010

hey all.
omg, today is the last day of the hols.
what the fuck.
i love the hols, i mean who doesnt ?

no more shopping.
no more sleeping late.
no more waking up late.
no more excessive hours of computer.
no more kpop.
no more slacking.
what the fuck.

anyways, just a summary of what i bought.
i bought two wallets, one laptop cover, 2 clothes, one pair of shoes, a bag, a red watch.
spent alot right ? :X
but its over four weeks, so i guess its alright? :D.
i love my red watch the most la. (:
its seriously R-E-D.
twin made me red crazy, >:l.

oh yea,
changed blogskin.
how is it ? :X
hmm, i like my music player !
can you find it ? (:

everyone in the student population, grief with me now.
and enjoy your last two or more hours for some before the horror starts again.

you and i together,
it just feels so right.

prayer. posted at 12:27 PM
Friday, June 4, 2010

hello world.
my blog is soooooooo dead.

went out with twin and laobu on Wednesday.
well, twin and i shopped separately from mother, since we had different things to shop&buy,
which resulted in my being slightly guilty, because my mother was left alone to shop.
but my mum was like, " nvm la, cus we're shopping for different things, so nvm. "
then i asked her again and she was like, " EH, REALLY NVM, DUN BE SO LORSO OKAY !."
which left me to be like this = "."

i bought like, a pair of shoes from Mitju,
and a bag.
i regretted buying the bag.
and im gonna get a new one.
luckily, my mum said that she likes the bag and she indirectly hints to me that she wants it.
so i guess, i will be able to buy a new one.
oh and twin is officially broke.
Fret not la twin, i think your mother/grandfather will give you cash,
cus i remember the times where you would ask your granddad.

im damn fucked up over my bag still.

whats done is done.
next stop, 313@Summerset.

Baby the moment our lips part this time
I´ll never find better, better than you.

wonderbang ! posted at 6:08 PM
Monday, May 10, 2010

b to the i to the bangbang !

Wonderbang is banging on my door baby.
was reading heedragon (gdragon and sohee) fics yesterday.
these two are definitely perfect for each other okay.
blogging about weekends.

woke up at 10.00 am if im not wrong ?
watched tv with parents until like about 1230.
then all of us got dressed, and we hit the cinemas for Ip Man 2.
This movie is awesome okay.
Go watch it. :D Strongly recommended.
After movie, shopped at Bishan J8.
But apparently, nothing.
So we drove to AMK hub.
Bought myself a Hoodie-tee :DDDDDD.
And im loving it.
A shop for all trend lovers ; Punkstar.
then, we had dinner at a random coffee shop and then left for home.

went to Giant supermarket. lol -.-
then yea.
followed parents around to buy groceries, boring much (zzz).
then headed to the shoes area.
Spotted this really nice pair of slippers from Instinct.
Even though its from GIANT SUPERMARKET,
i really liked the slipper.
its not that kind of auntyaunty type one okay.
its for youngsters.
cost : $16.90 i guess ?
so, yea i bought that.
and i (L) it like fuck.

round and round i went,
i still came back to you.
you smexy assholes. (:


take this sinkin' boat,
& point it home,
we've still got time.

Over ? Maybe not. posted at 3:40 PM
Friday, May 7, 2010

CTs are finally over.
like thank god so fucking much.

I think im gonna do really badly for the ct2.
Im already thinking of what's gonna happen when i tell my parents my results.

I shall erase those thoughts now.
The results will be out in the following week,
so i guess i have like, what, 9.5 days before i "die" ?
So before i rip ( or maybe not the peace) ,
i shall chillax like a crazy woman.
I think i remembered telling twin that i would run around Singapore naked if im
lol. -.-

gah, dont wanna blog anymore.
gonna have dinner with family at hougang mall later.
Pepper lunch maybe ? (:
Yanyan might meet up with us there. :DD.

no, sad to say, i am still holding on to that grudge.
and i'll leave you to settle it, since you wanna start over.

Hey love light,
그대는 Darling
밤 하늘 별빛보다 아름다워요
내 맘속 깊은 곳에서 반짝거리는
나 만의 사랑 빛

hey people.
view connections.
simple (:
dont be lame and be a bitch here.
you're matured enough (: